Sunday, May 14, 2006

Just call me...

So we went to Bristol yesterday. (For reasons beyond my control, I was unable to go today-I had to attend a child's birthday party. Anyway.) We had a BLAST. It was a pretty small show, but lots of fun. Hubs was over the moon because of the large number of sketches and signatures he got, and I was happy he was happy. Plus everyone was very nive.

In particular one artist, who has inspired this post. Unfortunately, because of what I'm about to say, I can't reveal his name. It is a shame, because I am convinced he is one of the sweetest and funniest men ever. Almost as nice as Gene Colon, who we met a few years ago who tried to force us to take money for the Princess's college fund.

Anyway, we spent about an hour chit-chatting with this particular artist. He was a HOOT. At one point we were looking at some of the pages he's done (comic pages, that is, the original art for them) and one of them had a sex scene. Tastefully, beautifully done, but clearly a sex scene. He told us the original instructions from the writer called for a "sex montage" on the page...then clarified it to say, "Actually, he misspelled it and asked for a 'sex montaque'."

We all giggled and joked as I realized that that is the perfect pen name.

So that's it, guys. No longer am I December Quinn. From now on, I'm...

Sex Montaque.

Imagine how much fun that would be:

"That's Montaque. Sex Montaque."

"Wicked Love" by Sex Montaque.

"Have you met my friend, Sex Montaque?"


(Of course I'm not really changing it. But how awesome would that be?!)


Bernita said...

It's - sexy, for sure.

s.w. vaughn said...

Hey, Sex Montaque. :-) Love your new pen name! I can see it on the shelves now... LOL

Glad you're not really changing it, though, 'cause I love the name December.